Pubdate: Tue, 09 Mar 2004
Source: Sun Herald (MS)
Copyright: 2004, The Sun Herald
Author: Jessica Ritter, Sun Herald Teen Board
Bookmark: (Youth)


You ready for this? Not everyone does drugs. Did you know that?

Well, now that you know you don't have to do drugs, here are some reasons 
why five South Mississippi youths say they choose not to do drugs.

"I'm drug-free because I have no reason to do them. Most people do drugs 
because their friends do them, but I do my own thing," said 16-year-old 
John Davis, a student at D'Iberville High School.

Briana Morrison, 15, of St. Martin, has a different motivation to be drug-free.

"Drugs are gross. They make your breath stink, and they make you stupid," 
Morrison said.

Alex Tourville, 15, of St. Martin, said he doesn't do drugs, nor would his 

"It's not good for you," he said. "You'll smell like smoke and it's not 
Christianlike; plus, my girlfriend would not like it if I did."

Natalie Matuszczak, 14, of Gulfport High School said, "They are bad for 
your body. They harm your body and distort your thinking."

And Amanda Stetson of Biloxi Junior High said, "I think drugs have no point 
to them. I just don't see a sense in doing them, because all the risks 
there are in doing drugs."

Those are just a few responses from a few of the many South Mississippi 
teens who have chosen to live drug-free lives.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom