Pubdate: Sun, 21 Mar 2004
Source: Cleveland Daily Banner (TN)
Copyright: 2004 Cleveland Daily Banner
Author: Greg Kaylor
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


Preparations are under way for an April 5 program on the dangers of 
methamphetamine. The community-wide program will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. 
at the Cleveland High School Commons.

"Deputies from the Bradley County Sheriff's Office, Cleveland Police 
Department and the 10th Judicial Drug Task Force will discuss how meth is 
produced, the dangers presented during the cooking process, effects on 
users, clean-up of illegal clandestine labs and other topics," said Bob 
Gault, media officer for BCSO.

Educators are especially urged to attend the program.

A flyer being printed to announce the event states, "You Never Know Where 
The Next Meth Lab Raid Or Explosion Could Be... Your Neighborhood, The Next 
Motel Room, Street Corner... Virtually Anywhere."

Ironically, DTF and Special Investigations Unit agents were serving a 
federal warrant on a methamphetamine suspect Thursday and discovered a 
working lab. The house being used to produce the meth was situated next 
door to a bank and another business, and across the street from a popular 
restaurant. Two additional clandestine meth labs have been discovered since 

The flyer is designed to inform the public of the meeting. Anyone can be 
affected by the methamphetamine problem. Organizers want to raise community 
awareness of the local problem.

"The program is being sponsored in conjunction with Olin-Arch Community 
Advisory Panel and Cleveland Media Association," said Gault.

Methamphetamine has been referred to as the "Moonshine of the New Millennium."

The illegal, homemade concoction of over-the-counter, store-bought items is 
blended and produces one of the most addictive and potentially deadly 
narcotics ever invented.

According to local drug agents, only 10 percent of the user population 
survives or is able to abstain from using the narcotic.

Additional information concerning the Community Methamphetamine Awareness 
Conference will be forthcoming.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom