Pubdate: Wed, 24 Mar 2004
Source: Bangkok Post (Thailand)
Copyright: The Post Publishing Public Co., Ltd. 2004
Author: Preeyanat Phanayanggoor


The United States has expressed its regret to the government for portraying 
Thailand in a negative light in its latest human rights report, government 
spokesman Jakrapob Penkair said yesterday.

But a US embassy spokesman said he could not confirm this.

Mr Jakrapob said Foreign Minister Surakiart Sathirathai yesterday told 
cabinet a message from US President George W Bush and Secretary of State 
Colin Powell expressed regret for the US report, which had riled Thai 
authorities particularly with its criticism of extra-judicial killings 
during the government's three-month war on drugs.

He said the US admitted to having used old information in assessing the 
situation of human rights in Thailand, and wanted to correct its 
misunderstanding over the issue.

"After receiving new information from the Thai government, the US accepted 
the majority of extra-judicial killings were actually in police 
self-defence," he said.

Asked to comment on this matter, US embassy spokesman Mark Larsen said he 
could not confirm that such a message had been sent by his government to 
the Thai government.
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