Pubdate: Sun, 11 Apr 2004 Source: Hawke's Bay Today (New Zealand) Copyright: 2004, Wilson & Horton Contact: Details: FOUR BOYS' HIGH PUPILS SUSPENDED FOR DRUG USE Four Napier Boys' High School pupils have been suspended for smoking cannabis. The school principal, Ross Brown, said the boys, from year 10, 11 or 12, would face a disciplinary hearing in front of the school's Board of Trustees next week. School staff were told by witnesses that the boys had smoked cannabis on the school's boundary early last week. "We investigated and found it to be true," Mr Brown said. The boys, two of whom boarded at the school's hostel, were suspended after staff had talked to them and witnesses. "We're obviously very disappointed. I can't remember the last time we had a hearing for marijuana usage. "It's no more common or less common with us than other schools," Mr Brown said. He said he had not reported the incident to police yet but would do so after the hearing. Sergeant in charge of youth services in Napier, Alan Potter, said he would expect to hear from any school that had suspended a pupil for cannabis use. "The policy varies from school to school. Some have a policy of reporting any find of cannabis to police. "Colenso (William Colenso College) for example warn the kids twice at the beginning of the year that if at anytime we suspect drugs we will take appropriate steps, which may mean dogs," Sergeant Potter said. He said it was "not an irregular occurrence" for a school to request a drug dog search. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake