Pubdate: Tue, 20 Apr 2004
Source: Daily Aztec, The (US CA Edu)
Copyright: 2004 The Daily Aztec
Author: Simon Samano


April 20 - known simply as 4/20 to the marijuana smoking community - is
currently being celebrated by millions of people in this country. With this
widespread celebration, it's certainly an appropriate time to examine the
effects of the war on drugs in America.

This war on drugs is now in its third decade. It began during the presidency
of Richard Nixon and has dragged into the current administration of
President Bush. During these three decades, many innocent citizens have been
incarcerated because of mindless drug-related legislation. Innocent because
any drug user who has become a victim to the government's drug war simply
for possession or use has been unjustly incarcerated. These people deserve
empathy and help - not a zero-tolerance policy.

About half of the growth of the prison population during the past two
decades can be directly attributed to drug convictions, with most of those
convicted being blacks and Latinos. According to, an NBC news
affiliate, the increase is because of "get tough" policies for drug offenses
and three-strike laws such as the one enacted in California.

According to, the Z Communications Web site, of all state
prisoners serving time for drug offenses in 2002, 57 percent were black, 19
percent were Latino and 23 percent were white. This is an alarming statistic
when, according to the latest drug-use survey, 72 percent of all users of
illegal drugs are white, while blacks constitute only 15 percent and Latinos
10 percent.

To say there is a major discrepancy between those who use illicit drugs and
those who serve time behind bars for doing so is an understatement - it's
downright racist. If the goal of the war on drugs was to continue the
repression of minorities, it certainly has succeeded.

The money spent on the drug war has dramatically increased over the years.
According to, the U.S. government spent about $39 billion in
2003. On the flip side, about $1 billion were spent in 1980.

Last year, more than 1.5 million people were arrested in this country, with
almost half (about 736,000) arrested for marijuana. Eighty-eight percent of
those marijuana arrests were for possession alone. Altogether, a total of
237,000 people were sent to prison on drug charges. When you multiply that
by $20,000 (the low estimate to house one inmate for a year) you get an idea
of what it costs taxpayers - about $4.7 billion.

Has all this spending been a deterrent? Not at all. According to the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated 22 million Americans
suffered from substance dependence or abuse because of drugs, alcohol or
both in 2002. More than 83 million Americans have tried marijuana at least
once. Drug use in general continues unaltered, as an estimated 28.4 million
Americans 12 years of age and older used some illegal drug in 2001 (21
million used marijuana the same year).

If the goal of the drug war was to decrease the number of drug users - as
I'm sure some of the originators sincerely thought they could do when they
declared it - then it has sorely failed. In fact, it's a complete waste of
money when the number of drug users continues to increase.

Let's also not forget this war on drugs continues to hurt the sick and
dying. In California, where Prop. 215 passed in 1996, allowing the use of
medical marijuana, cannabis clinics continue to be monitored and raided
because the law of Californians conflicts with federal law. Not even
geriatric patients can catch a break.

In the end, victory in this war is unattainable. Americans will undoubtedly
continue to get high. It's time the government takes a different route with
drugs in America. Demonizing drug users is not the answer. Rather than waste
billions of dollars by incarcerating drug users and forgetting about them,
the time has come to manage these people by decriminalizing drug use and
giving them treatment. This could possibly be the start of a just policy and
a just America.

- - Simon Samano is a journalism senior and a senior staff writer for The
Daily Aztec. 
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MAP posted-by: Josh