Pubdate: Mon, 10 May 2004
Source: BBC News (UK Web)
Section: On This Day
Cpyright: 2004 BBC


Mick Jagger and Keith Richards of rock band the Rolling Stones have 
appeared before magistrates in Chichester, West Sussex, charged with drug 
offences. The magistrates heard that after a tip-off, police raided Mr 
Richards's mansion in Redlands Road, West Wittering on the evening of 
Sunday 12 February during a party.

They searched the house, interviewed eight men and one woman and found 
various tablets and substances that were later examined by the Metropolitan 
Police Laboratory.

During the police raid, officers took away a number of items including 
Chinese joss sticks suspected of masking the sweet smell of cannabis resin 
and pudding basins holding cigarette ash.

Stones' lead singer Mr Jagger, 22, has been accused of illegally possessing 
four tablets containing amphetamine sulphate and methylamphetamine 

Guitarist Mr Richards, 23, is charged with allowing his house to be used 
for the purpose of smoking cannabis.

Both Mr Jagger and Mr Richards pleaded not guilty and were released on bail 
to appear for trial at West Sussex Quarter Sessions on 22 June.

Outside the court, a crowd of young fans were waiting to see the stars but 
the two men were driven away in a chauffeur-driven car from the back of the 

A third man, 29-year-old Robert Fraser, a gallery owner has been charged 
with possession of heroine and eight capsules of methylamphetamine 


In Context

During the widely publicised trial, the prosecution said the only woman at 
the house - singer Marianne Faithful and Jagger's girlfriend - was dressed 
in nothing but a fur rug that she let slip occasionally. They claimed her 
lack of inhibition was a sign that she was under the influence of cannabis.

On 29 June, the judge sentenced Jagger to three months for possession of 
amphetamines and Richards to one year in jail for allowing cannabis to be 
smoked in his home.

But in August the sentences - considered very harsh for first offences - 
were quashed on appeal.

The Stones continued to dabble in drugs and break the law as befitted their 
wild image. Richards at one point became a heroin addict. But by the turn 
of the century the band had become an institution as the longest-running 
rock group in history.

Mick Jagger was awarded a knighthood in the Queen's Birthday Honours list 
in June 2002. 
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MAP posted-by: Jo-D