Pubdate: Mon, 10 May 2004
Source: Coquitlam Now, The (CN BC)
Copyright: 2004Lower Mainland Publishing Group, Inc.
Author: Balwant Sanghera


As a result of a number of tragedies and other developments in the 
Indo-Canadian community, youth violence has become front-page news again.

Unfortunately, it has brought the whole Indo-Canadian community under a 
sharp focus one more time. The impact of these tragedies can't be 
emphasized enough: Even one life lost in this manner is too many. Sadly, 
the image of the whole community is tarnished by the actions of a few 
misguided individuals.

In this context, the broader community needs to recognize that youth 
violence transcends all ethnic, cultural and religious boundaries. No 
community is immune to it. There is no doubt that the Indo-Canadian 
community has had more than its fair share of tragedies among its youth. We 
have lost more than 70 young men, mostly in their 20s, to drugs and 
violence during the past 10 years. Each one of these tragedies has sent 
very disturbing and painful shockwaves throughout the community.

These tragic developments have prompted a number of pro-active initiatives 
to stop and reverse this vicious cycle of drugs and violence. In this 
context, a number of community organizations have emerged to help our youth.

Similarly, our places of worship have taken on a very active role in 
helping our youth stay out of trouble. At this time, nearly every Sikh 
Gurdwara in the Lower Mainland is actively involved in keeping our young 
people on the right track. To their credit, a lot of young people have been 
spearheading most of these initiatives.

One needs to recognize that the issues of drugs and violence are very 
complex ones. There are no easy solutions. The whole community, including 
its youth, parents, Sikh temples, various organizations, professionals and 
ordinary citizens are making every effort to meet this challenge head on.

Rather than finger-pointing and criticism, we would appreciate support from 
different levels of government and from the community at large.

Balwant Sanghera Via e-mail
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom