Pubdate: Wed, 12 May 2004 Source: Flint Journal (MI) Copyright: 2004 Flint Journal Contact: Details: Note: Prefers to print letters from people in the area of The Flint Journal Author: Elizabeth Shaw Bookmark: (D.A.R.E.) FLUSHING TO MULL ASKING HALF-MILL TAX FOR DARE FLUSHING -- City residents could be asked to decide the future of a popular school police program at the Aug. 3 election. On Monday, the City Council voted to hold a public hearing on May 24 to place a 0.5-mill request on the primary ballot to continue funding the school district's Drug Abuse Resistance Education. The program is being phased out this year due to the loss of state DARE funding and the expiration of the city's federal COPS in Schools grant. The issue gained widespread public attention in January when district parents and students launched a heated protest against the transfer of Sgt. Eddie Dolgan, a popular DARE liaison officer, to regular patrol. City officials had hoped to enlist funding help from neighboring townships in the district. However, Flushing Township already provides a liaison officer at the high school, while Flint, Clayton and Mt. Morris townships share in several other school districts. "We made a commitment if we didn't hear anything from the townships that we would put this on the ballot, and we will," said Councilman Mike Szukhent. The 0.5-mill levy would provide about $105,900 to support the program for three years. It would cost the owner of a home with a taxable value of $100,000 about $50 a year. - --- QUICK FACTS At issue What: Should Flushing residents be asked to approve a 0.5-mill levy to fund a school police liaison officer and DARE program in the Flushing School District? What's next: Public hearing at 7:30 p.m. May 24 at City Hall, 309 E. Main St. - --- MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom