Pubdate: Wed, 12 May 2004
Source: Tomahawk, The (Mountain City, TN)
Copyright: 2004 The Tomahawk
Author: Barbara Dunn
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


A public meeting three months ago with representatives of the National 
Guard has led to the formation of ACTION (Alliance of Citizens Together 
Improving Our Neighborhoods), a community coalition. Representatives from 
almost every organization in Johnson County attended the gathering, which 
was organized by Jean Ann Savery.

"I had no idea our coalition would be formed this quickly," said Savery. "I 
suppose it just proves that the people in the county are serious about 
helping create a better environment for ourselves and our children."

The meeting in February was a 'Meth Awareness Presentation' by Army 
National Guard Officers Lt. Linda T. Williams and Sgt. Kenny Reaves. The 
audience was given information on methamphetamine, its production and use, 
and the effect it has on communities like ours.

"It is clear that as a community, we have to act as one," said Savery. "The 
answer is to bring together key figures in the community, people who are in 
the position to see, to learn and to pass along information."

At a recent meeting, Savery and others formed the ACTION coalition and set 
forth goals:

1. Bring community organizations, businesses, agencies and individuals 
together to protect citizens of Johnson County from the destructive effects 
of illicit drugs.

2. Increase awareness of drug issues in Johnson County.

3. Partner with community organizations, businesses, agencies and 
individuals to offer programs aimed at promoting the health of the 
community; enhancing protective behaviors and reducing risk behaviors among 
children, adolescents and adults; creating a drug-free environment.

4. Identify essential supports needed to create a drug-free community.

5. Collaborate with the Tennessee National Guard and Coalitions across the 
state and the nation to reduce the use and impact of illicit drugs among 
our citizens.

Savery says several committees have been formed so far, each of which will 
work within their area of expertise.

"Each committee is comprised of people who are in key positions to reach 
certain areas of our goals," said Savery. "We need to identify the 
problems, find the resources we need and establish funding to help pay 

The Executive Committee will meet once a month, and has as members two high 
school students.

"The students are members of SADD (Students Against Destructive 
Decisions)," said Savery. "We are very pleased to have them participate.

"Everyone involved in ACTION is passionate about the subject. To be 
successful, we need people whose lives have been touched by drugs or alcohol.

"When you have been through something terrible, it makes you want to help 
others not go there."

Lt. Williams will meet with ACTION again next week.

"We are planning for 1 p.m. on the 17th," said Savery. "Anyone who is 
interested in becoming involved in the coalition is welcome to attend.

"We have hit the ground running and we don't plan on slowing down."
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MAP posted-by: Terry Liittschwager