Pubdate: Sun, 16 May 2004
Source: Edmonton Sun (CN AB)
Copyright: 2004, Canoe Limited Partnership.
Author: Paul Cowan
Bookmark: (Incarceration)


A riot by gang members at the Edmonton Remand Centre was sparked by the 
discovery of drugs and weapons Wednesday night, the Sun has learned. Sun 
sources say members of a gang known as the Crazy Dragons attacked five 
fellow inmates after guards uncovered three stashes of drugs in their unit.

"No one knows for sure what made those guys mad but it doesn't take much 
imagination to realize that it was something to do with the search," said 
Dan MacLennan, president of the union which represents the guards at the 
Remand Centre, the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees.

"Maybe these guys were just upset about losing their stashes or maybe they 
thought someone had ratted them out to boost the value of their own supply."

Four inmates were taken to the Royal Alexandra Hospital with injuries 
resulting from the riot shortly after 10 p.m. Wednesday in a fourth-floor 
unit housing gang members.

They were all treated and returned to the remand.

It took the centre's tactical team over an hour to restore order, after 
inmates also started several small fires.

Sources say the search had nothing to do with a tipoff and that the unit 
was searched after it was realized that a bolt had gone missing from a 
recreation area.

Guards feared that the bolt could be fashioned into a homemade weapon. They 
also noticed that some of the smoke detectors had been tinkered with and 
when they were unscrewed, three packets of white powder and two homemade 
shivs were found.

The powder is being analysed but is believed to be cocaine.

Solicitor General spokesman Peter Tadman confirmed drugs had been found but 
said further details would have to come from city cops now investigating 
the disturbance.
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