Pubdate: Sun, 23 May 2004
Source: Sunday Territorian (Australia)
Email:  Northern Territory News
Author: Suellen Hinde
Bookmark: (Cannabis)


A Darwin man has been charged with possessing $10,000 worth of cannabis 
after police raided his alleged "retail drug shop" in Arnhem Land.

Police allege the 29-year-old was operating from a "retail shop" from one 
of the rooms in the house at Numbulwar, complete with a cash register.

And police say cannabis, cigarettes, clothing, toys and lollies were all 
being sold from the house.

Police allegedly found 380 grams of cannabis inside, with a potential 
street value of $10,000. Information from the public tipped the police off 
to the alleged operation.

The man was taken to Alyungula police station and interviewed while 
Palmerston police executed a search warrant at the man's residence in 
Bakewell on Thursday.

Police allegedly found a further 3.8 grams of cannabis and 0.7g of 
amphetamine. Alyungula's Senior Sergeant Tony Fuller, said the 
29-year-old's arrest was a warning to others of transporting drugs in rural 

"The targeting of persons with considerable amounts of cannabis is a 
priority of police in Arnhem Land," he said.

"This is a concerted effort to reduce the harm associated with substance 
abuse in Aboriginal communities."

A police spokesman said inquiries were being conducted with the Northern 
Land Council to ascertain the legality of this man operating in Numbulwar.

He is set to appear in Darwin Court on May 28.

The arrest follows 12 people being apprehended in the two weeks for taking 
alcohol into restricted areas in the Northern Territory.

 From the 12 incidents in Maningrida, Beswick, Groote Eylandt, Kalkaringi 
and Lajamanu police have seized five vehicles, 23L of wine, two cartons of 
beer, 7L of spirits and 139 grams of cannabis.

And 11 of the persons will be summonsed to appear in court for possessing 
liquor in a restricted area. The other was charged and bailed.

Assistant Commissioner Operations Mark Payne said transporting alcohol and 
drugs into remote communities would not be tolerated.
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