Pubdate: Sat, 22 May 2004
Source: Birmingham Post (UK)
Copyright: Trinity Mirror Plc 2004
Author: Mark Cowan


Police today unveiled a new "instant eviction" tactic in a bid to
claim the streets back from drug dealers who are operating in the community.

Housing officers are joining police on drug swoops across the south of
Birmingham as part of the clampdown.

From today council tenants found pushing drugs in contravention of
their tenancy agreement risk losing their homes as well.

Det Chief Insp Steve Anderson, from Bournville Lane police station,
hailed the move as a powerful weapon in the war on crime.

"It is not just a case of us locking them up, but also if there is a
major breach in tenancy, the housing officers can look to take
possession and they could also be evicted there and then," he said.

"This is a double-edged sword and shows a commitment to the local
community that we are tackling the things that they are worried about."

The move is part of Operation Starlet, an on-going anti-drugs

This has already led to the arrest of more than 15 suspected dealers
and the recovery of substantial amounts of cannabis, heroin and crack

Det Chief Insp Anderson said following raids officers would return to
the area to deliver leaflets detailing the police operation and urging
them to come forward with further information.

The sight of a house boarded up also worked to help drive addicts from
the area, he added.

"We are letting people know that we are reclaiming the streets from
the dealers. If they want to keep it that way they need to tell us who
else is dealing," he added.

A council housing department spokes-woman said: "If tenants are found
to be selling class A drugs, therefore contravening their conditions
of tenancy, the city council will instigate possession proceedings or
anti-social behaviour injunctions or orders." 
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MAP posted-by: Josh