Pubdate: Fri, 21 May 2004
Source: Solihull Times (UK)
Pubdate: May 21, 2004
Fax: 0121 705 8611
Copyright: owned by or licensed to Trinity Mirror Plc 2004
Bookmark: (Drug Testing)


POLICE officers and support staff have undergone on the spot drug testing, 
believed to be the first of its kind in the country, in a new drive to 
reduce sub-stance abuse in the force.

Up to 600 officers in the Warwickshire force who handle drugs, firearms, 
emergency vehicles, or sensitive information are now eligible to be tested 
at any time and around ten undertook the random test.

Also being tested are support staff who come into contact with security, 
safety and drugs issues. Urine samples were analysed for alcohol, cannabis, 
barbiturates, amphetamines, cocaine and hallucigens.

A force spokeswoman said the aim was to encourage people to seek help if 
they had substance abuse problems.

"It is a deterrent," she said. "If staff come forward they will be treated. 
If they don't and they have got a problem there will be questions about why 
they didn't come forward.

"If a person refuses to co-operate we would have to consider whether they 
should continue in that job," she added.

Last autumn, one officer was sacked and another resigned from the force 
following drugs allegations.
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