Pubdate: Mon, 31 May 2004
Source: Brewton Standard, The (AL)
Copyright: 2004 Brewton Standard
Author: Matt Jordan, Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Oxycontin/Oxycodone)


Governor Bob Riley signed a bill last week to create a statewide database 
that would significantly hinder people who obtain prescription drugs for 
illegal purposes from several doctors at once.

It's known as "doctor shopping" and is a rampant problem in our county.

"It's sad to say but there's not many homes in this county that have not 
been touched by prescription drugs such as Oxy Contin and Xanax," says 
Sheriff Grover Smith. "The new database will be very helpful."

This database can be accessed by physicians inquiring about other 
substances that have been prescribed to their patient, and pharmacists 
would be able to know if the drug had been prescribed by more than one 
doctor. Law enforcement officers that are working on prescription drug 
abuse cases can access the database, which will save time.

Before the bill, the officers would have to subpena records from every 
pharmacy. With the new database, what would take a month, now only takes a 
few minutes.

"We're really glad to see this bill go through," says Keith Hutchins of the 
Drug Task Force. "Every step that is taken to prevent this problem is needed."

The normal rate for a pill of Oxy Contin ranges between $40 to $80 on the 
street. With the new steps taken to make these pills harder to acquire, the 
outrageous price on the street corner will indefinitely rise.

Currently, 20 states have this prescription drug monitoring program 
designed to stop abuse.
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