Pubdate: Thu, 03 Jun 2004
Source: Sun Herald (MS)
Copyright: 2004, The Sun Herald
Author: Robin Fitzgerald
Bookmark: (Youth)


MOSS POINT - A man whose 19-year-old son died of a drug overdose is 
fighting back and asking parents and law enforcement to join him.

Steven Steiner Sr., founder of Dads and Mad Moms Against Drug Dealers, or 
DAMMADD, introduces his organization to South Mississippi tonight in a town 
meeting here.

Steiner, of Tioga Center, N.Y., and state director Brenda Roberts of 
Hattiesburg, will introduce their program, which includes an anonymous 
tipline to help catch drug dealers and a computer system designed to track 
drug trafficking locations.

Drug overdoses in South Mississippi claimed more than 50 lives in 2003, 
according to county coroners' offices.

Steiner said he started the national organization after his son snorted 
OxyContin on a dare in 2001 and died immediately. The teen helped his 
father at their family electrical business. The tragedy prompted his father 
to close the business and organize DAMMADD.

"It hurts even today," Steiner said, "but if I hadn't taken this step, it 
would have taken over my life."

Steiner discussed the program at a town meeting in Hattiesburg on Tuesday 
and spoke at the Mississippi Sheriffs' Association conference in Gulfport 
on Wednesday.

Roberts joined the anti-drug group in 2003 after her daughter became 
addicted to prescription painkillers and nearly died of an overdose.

DAMMADD accepts anonymous tips and offers rewards for those leading to the 
arrest and conviction of drug dealers.

Stevie's Law, named for Steiner's son, is legislation proposed in New York 
to support a drug dealers liability act, mandatory minimum sentences for 
drug traffickers, heavy fines for doctor shoppers and an electronic 
prescription monitoring system.
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