Pubdate: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 Source: Globe and Mail (Canada) Page: A8 Copyright: 2004, The Globe and Mail Company Contact: Details: Author: Murray Campbell Cited: Alison Myrden Bookmark: Bookmark: Bookmark: TOKEN SUPPORT Alison Myrden had some very personal reasons to be pleasantly surprised by the Fraser Institute report this week that recommended the legalization of marijuana. "Wasn't that incredible?" said the New Democratic Party candidate in Oakville, Ont., who smokes up regularly to ease the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. She is one of the more than 800 Canadians who carry a licence to use marijuana without legal repercussions. The use of the drug isn't central to Ms. Myrden's campaign, but she says her experiences with the health system since being diagnosed 12 years ago with a rare form of MS called Tic Douloureux (which affects a cranial nerve) put her onside with the NDP's strong support of universal medicare. Ms. Myrden doesn't hide her use of the drug from her potential constituents. She's been known to nip out of all-candidates meetings or interrupt her canvassing (in a wheelchair) for a quick toke to deal with the piercing facial pain she suffers around the clock. "I smoke everywhere I go. Everywhere you can smoke a cigarette, I smoke marijuana," she said. "But I have to because I'm sick." - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake