Pubdate: Tue, 15 Jun 2004
Source: Central Chronicle (India)
Copyright: 2004 Central Chronicle, Bhopal (India


NEW DELHI: India and Pakistan begin two days of talks in Islamabad tomorrow 
on controlling drug trafficking in the region and checking financing of 
terrorism through proceeds of drug trade.

A six-member Indian delegation which will visit Pakistan to attend the 
two-day meeting of the India-Pakistan committee on drug trafficking and 
smuggling, will also hold discussions on the use of drugs and their link 
with HIV/AIDS, elimination of poppy cultivation in Afghanistan and illegal 
drug trade between the two countries, sources said. The two countries had 
decided on April 16 to hold talks on the issue under a roadmap worked out 
between their respective foreign secretaries in Islamabad on February 18.

The Indian delegation at the talks will be led by Narcotics Control Bureau 
(NCB) Director General MK Singh while the Pakistani side will be headed by 
its Narcotics Control division secretary Maj Khalid Latif.

The Indian delegation also includes officials from the Border Security 
Force (BSF) and the ministries of home and external affairs. The sources, 
while expressing optimism over the outcome of the talks, said both 
countries could work together to eliminate drug trafficking and delink it 
from terrorism.

The discussions on combating illegal drug trade will be followed by talks 
on nuclear confidence-building measures (CBMs) in New Delhi on June 19 and 
20. India has already pointed out to Pakistan that terrorism and drug 
trafficking posed a direct challenge to democratic societies and political 
systems everywhere.

It has been conveyed to Islamabad that terrorism had assumed serious 
proportions through its nexus with narco-terrorism and drug trafficking. 
Both sides had agreed to set up a mechanism for regular meetings and 
exchange of operational information combating various types of crimes 
including drug trafficking.
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