Pubdate: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 Source: Prince Rupert Daily News (CN BC) Copyright: 2004 Sterling Newspapers Ltd. Contact: Details: Author: Elisha Seabrook YOUTH DISCUSSES SUBSTANCE ABUSE Substance abuse in our society seems to be dramatically increasing, especially in youth. Many of my peers are actively experimenting, some on their own free will, while others are doing it because of peer pressure. Many don't know how using these drugs will effect people they know who care about them. I wonder why youth are making these choices. What is the significance of doing drugs and drinking? Every Friday at school all you hear about are the parties that are happening over the weekend, what people are going to drink and when Monday arrives all you hear about is how "so and so was totally wasted.i" Which then makes me wonder if they are doing it for the attention? For some people it appears to be "cool" to be barfing all over the place, stumble around and then pass out. If only they could see how they looked and how uncomfortable they've made the people around them feel, perhaps they might think twice about drinking and doing drugs. The sad thing is that a lot of teenagers believe that they can't have fun without drugs or alcohol. They really only know the kind of "fun" they experience when they are drunk or high. If there is a community event that is drug and alcohol free they will decide to come already intoxicated. This can ruin the event for other people who prefer to have fun on their own terms, without substances. To me, it doesn't sound like a whole heck of a lot of fun. At school, many students have been caught drunk in classes, or for drinking at school and the have been getting suspended for it. Being suspended for getting caught smoking up on school grounds isn't exactly something to brag about. Does every activity need drugs and alcohol? School can be fun with the right people and attitude. Some students in our school will find any excuse to get out of school to go and smoke or drink. When some students held the walk out to support the HEU, three quarters of the students who left used it to go to the Skateboard Park to smoke. Some youth need to realize that while not everything in life is going to be fine and dandy, doing drugs or drinking doesn't solve anything, in fact it usually makes things worse. You can have fun without it. My friends and I have a blast without drugs or alcohol. All you need are friends and a sense of humor and you've got a "party" right there. Elisha Seabrook is a member of the Kaien Island Youth Council. - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin