Pubdate: Fri, 02 Jul 2004
Source: Globe and Mail (Canada)
Copyright: 2004, The Globe and Mail Company
Author: Tu Thanh Ha
Bookmark: (Cocaine)


To all the awkwardness that his shipping empire has brought Prime
Minister Paul Martin, add the embarrassment of being a drug mule.

The day after his re-election this week, Canadian customs agents
discovered a stash of cocaine hidden at the bottom of a Canada
Steamship Lines coal carrier, one named after Mr. Martin's wife.

Drug smugglers apparently used underwater divers to plant the drug
without the knowledge of the crew of the bulk cargo ship Sheila Ann
during a stop in Venezuela.

The 83 kilograms of cocaine was discovered in a routine inspection
after the ship arrived in Sydney, N.S.

"This is the first time that this type of incident has happened on one
of our ships," said Martine Malka, CSL's director of corporate

"Naturally, the company has zero tolerance for drugs. We'll take steps
to make sure this won't happen again."

She said the packages must have been concealed while the Sheila Ann was at
its last port of call before Sydney: Maracaibo, Venezuela, where it picked
up a load of low-sulfur coal.

No charges are expected against the crew or the shipping company. The
vessel was allowed to leave Sydney.

"This is not uncommon for a legit company to be exploited by organized
crime when it comes to the movement of contraband," said Michel
Proulx, a spokesman for the Canada Border Services Agency.

An underwater camera spotted the cocaine. Divers were then sent in to
retrieve it.

The two drug packages were hidden in an underwater compartment sealed
with a grate. Normally the compartment is used to allow seawater to
enter to cool the vessel's engines.

Whoever planted the cocaine would have had to unscrew, then replace,
four bolts holding the grate, Ms. Malka said.

The bolts will now be welded on CSL ships, she said. The company will
also hire divers to inspect its ships when they use South American

Since August of 2003, control of the company has been transferred to
Mr. Martin's three sons, Paul W., David and James.

It wasn't immediately clear how pure the cocaine was or how much it
was worth.

Evidence in recent trafficking trials show that in cities such as
Montreal, a kilo of cocaine sells at the wholesale level for as much
as $50,000.

The shipment found on the Sheila Ann could therefore be worth several
million dollars, especially since it would be adulterated before it
was sold at street level.

Mr. Martin's director of communications, Mario Lague, said the Prime
Minister's Office had no comment to make on the incident.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin