Pubdate: Sat, 03 Jul 2004
Source: East Anglian Daily Times (UK)
Copyright: 2004 Eastern Counties Newspapers Group Ltd
Author: Liz Hearnshaw


A COUNCILLOR has described as "absolutely horrifying" a plan for about 50 
cannabis users to smoke the drug during a protest march in a town.

A "Smokey Bear's Picnic" will be held in Brandon on July 17 to raise 
awareness of the campaign for the legalisation of the drug.

The event organiser, who asked not to be named, said: "People have the 
right to chose what they do and this is all about freedom of choice.

"Hopefully, this will be a big gathering of people who support legalisation 
and there should be around 50 coming along.

"This is just a kind of protest. This issue is out there and needs to be 
addressed. If people do not like it, they do not have to get involved."

When asked if the protesters would be smoking the drug, the organiser 
replied simply: "Hopefully."

The protesters are planning at Brandon railway station before marching to 
the town's leisure centre in an event that has been advertised on a 
pro-cannabis website.

But Eddie Stewart, who serves on Forest Heath District Council and lives in 
the town, said he suspected the people of Brandon may gather together to 
try to stop the march.

"As a district councillor and a grandfather, I am absolutely horrified. I 
did not even know there was an organised group of cannabis smokers," he added.

"What next? Heroin addicts or LSD users? Cannabis is a horrible drug, which 
can lead to other things and mind problems. I just hope this is a group of 
youngsters fooling about - but this is not a joke.

"Children use the playing fields near the leisure centre and footballers 
meet up there at weekends. I do not want to see anything like that 
happening anywhere near kids."

The "Smokey Bear" events began in California in the early 1970s and 
gatherings have been held across Britain over the past few years, with 
violence erupting between protesters and police at picnics in Hampshire.

Stephen Edwards, who represents Brandon on Forest Heath District Council, 
said: "Obviously these people have a right to have their views, but if 
things come to a confrontation between the police and campaigners, I do not 
think anyone would welcome that.

"Hopefully, the police will have a watching brief to see what is going on. 
I do not think anyone wants violence of any sort."

Detective Chief Inspector John Brighton, crime manager for Suffolk police, 
said officers would police the event in an appropriate manner.

"Where criminal offences are disclosed, offenders will be dealt with in a 
firm and appropriate manner," he added.

"As with the majority of pre-arranged events, we will endeavour to make 
contact with the organisers to ensure that the day passes peacefully and 
within the law."

A spokesman for Forest Heath District Council, which runs the leisure 
centre, said: "Obviously this is nothing to do with Brandon leisure centre. 
We will carry out our own investigation and alert the police."
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