Pubdate: Fri, 09 Jul 2004
Source: People's Journal (Philippines)
Copyright: 2004 People's Journal


PEOPLE'S Journal sources said persistent reports about the alleged 
involvement of former Manila police Capt. Reynaldo Jaylo and his men in 
extortion activities, where the victims were mostly Filipino-Chinese drug 
suspects in Metro Manila, prompted Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency 
chairman Anselmo S. Avenido Jr. to issue a memorandum virtually clipping 
the powers of Jaylo's Task Force Hunter.

PDEA officials said they have documented scores of complaints ranging from 
robbery-extortion to serious illegal detention against members of the task 
force headed by Jaylo. Similar reports have also been forwarded to the 
National Bureau of Investigation, the Philippine National Police 
Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operations Task Force and the National Capital 
Region Police Office. Most of the cases involved non-organic PDEA personnel 
in Jaylo's task force.

Jaylo, a tough police officer who once led a special task force of the 
National Bureau of Investigation which was headed then by Alfredo Lim, has 
denied all the accusations against him and his men, branding these as 

Jaylo headed the Western Police District's anti-narcotics and homicide 
divisions in the late 90s until he was transferred to the NBI. He was 
thrust into controversy when he and his men shot dead two ranking police 
officials allegedly involved in drug trafficking in Magallanes, Makati City.

PJ was able to get a copy of the memorandum issued by Avenido ordering 
Jaylo to stop using non-organic PDEA personnel in anti-drug operations.

"You are hereby reminded that non-PDEA personnel shall not participate in 
any anti-drug operations except as informant. You may, however, seek the 
assistance of other law enforcement units in your operation," the memo 
dated May 4, 2004 said.

Avenido further told Jaylo in his memo "that the SEU 'H' Special 
Enforcement Service under your leadership has been responsible for a number 
of successful operations to date. However, there have been also several 
complaints received by the PDEA National Office against personnel allegedly 
belonging to your unit."

He cited an incident in which "the PDEA was placed in a very bad light when 
one Jonathan Pascual y Navarette was arrested in possession of a PDEA 
jacket and Task Force Hunter ID by PNP Anti-Illegal Drugs Special 
Operations Task Force on March 23, 2004."

"These unfortunate incidents and reports negate the milestone achieved by 
the government in the campaign against drug abuse and trafficking and 
threaten to further erode public confidence in law enforcement," Avenido said.

He also ordered Jaylo last May 24 to immediately limit his "task force's 
anti-drug operations only in pursuit of approved PDEA Case Operations Plans 
and upon specific clearance from the PDEA national headquarters for other 
cases/operations on case-to-case basis."

Jaylo, meanwhile, claimed Avenido's memorandum was meant to clip his task 
force's activities following their arrest of Wilson Gan, a 
Filipino-Chinese, for drug trafficking in Valenzuela.

He accused Avenido and one of his deputies, PDEA Assistant Secretary 
Rodolfo N. Caisip, of protecting Gan, an allegation which Avenido and 
Caisip denied.

The rift between Avenido, et al and Jaylo further widened when the former 
started receiving death threats over the phone.

Avenido said unidentified callers who introduced themselves as "Egay" and 
"Tikboy" threatened to kill him. One of the calls was received at Avenido's 
office in Quezon City last week and the other in the office of his brother, 
Chief Supt. Adolfo S. Avenido, the director of the PNP Health Service in 
Camp Crame.

Jaylo, however, said he met with Avenido last Friday and assured the PDEA 
director that none of his agents was involved in any plot against him 
although he admitted that he indeed has two agents named "Egay" and "Tikboy."

Jaylo later called a press conference to denounce Avenido.

"I expect this thing to come to a head. But virtually rendering me useless 
and then accusing my men of plotting to assassinate the very boss we are 
working with, is an obvious move with glaring malice," he griped.

Jaylo wondered why Avenido was worried about death threats that were 
obviously the work of a prankster or somebody wanting to drive a wedge 
between them.

"All of us, especially those in the anti-narcotics units have been 
receiving death threats almost on a daily basis. I would say that Avenido 
is a veteran in the field and as such, should be able to distinguish 
between what is a real and an empty death threat," he said.

Jaylo's Task Force Hunter is occupying a small office at the Rizal Memorial 
Coliseum in Manila, far away from the prying eyes of PDEA officers and men 
who are stationed at the PDEA national headquarters in Barangay Pinyahan, 
Quezon City.
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MAP posted-by: Beth