Pubdate: Sun, 11 Jul 2004
Source: Independent  (UK)
Copyright: 2004 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Author: Kim Sengupta
Bookmark: (Heroin)

UK's UKP100m Assault on Afghan Heroin Trade

Britain is funding a UKP100m campaign in an effort to combat the drugs
explosion in Afghanistan that is fuelling the violence and anarchy in
the country.

Pressure from the Government has led to changes in the rules of
engagement for international forces, allowing them greater scope to
seize heroin consignments and raid drug factories. At the same time,
Britain is demanding "high-profile" arrests of warlords and members of
the administration of President Hamid Karzai who are involved in the

Tony Blair, stung by accusations of reneging on his promise to stand
by the Afghan people after the fall of the Taliban regime, has
demanded action to prevent further un-ravelling of the situation,
ministers told The Independent on Sunday. Britain has increased its
aid to Afghanistan from UKP200m to UKP500m over five years. And, it is
believed, British troops originally earmarked for Iraq will be
deployed to the country in time for elections scheduled for September.

Seventy-five per cent of the world's production of heroin is in
Afghanistan, and the country also accounts for at least 95 per cent of
supplies coming into Britain. The area of cultivation has grown from
around 4,000 acres in 2001 to more than 150,000 acres - a massive 235
square miles - in 2003. The revenues from the narcotics have been used
by the warlords, including allies of Mr Karzai, to purchase weapons
for their private armies.

The next set of figures is expected to be even worse. According to a
survey by the UN Office of Drugs and Crime, 69 per cent of last year's
poppy farmers stated that they intended to increase their production,
and even 43 per cent of those farmers not growing the narcotic said
they will start doing so because the rewards are so great.

Ministers insist that the crop after the next one will show a marked
decrease. The Foreign Office is sending drug teams to Afghanistan at
the end of the year, and UKP70m will be spent on anti-drugs measures.
The Department for International Development (DFID) has allocated
another UKP20m to provide alternative livelihood for farmers whose poppy
crops are destroyed.

Nato allies are also being pressed to send additional troops, with
particular focus on the French and the Germans, who refused to send
forces to Iraq, and the Spanish who have pulled out their contingent.
An Afghan task force including Foreign Office minister Bill Rammell,
Gareth Thomas, a minister at the DFID, the Home Office and Customs &
Excise, has been set up with the specific aim of addressing the
security situation.

"What we are putting in place should start showing results in 13
months' time. If that does not happen then, I accept, it can be seen
as failure", Mr Rammell said. "Unfortunately the increase in
cultivation we have seen was expected in a country going through
transition such as Afghanistan. But it's simply not true that we have
been ignoring the matter. The Prime Minister has personally shown
concern about this, and he is involved with our campaign.

"We would also like to see some high-profile arrests to show that
these people cannot act with impunity."

Mr Thomas said: "No one is doubting that there are huge problems. But
we are showing our commitment to face them. Afghanistan is among the
top-priority countries for DFID." 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake