Pubdate: Mon, 10 Jan 2005
Source: Sun.Star Cebu (Philippines)
Copyright: 2005 Sun.Star
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)
Bookmark: (Drug Raids)


EVEN after the raid on the shabu laboratory in Barangay Umapad, Mandaue 
City last September, there still seems to be a high supply of shabu in the 

This is why PNP Chief Edgardo Aglipay believes there is another laboratory 
in the area.

"Nagtataka kami kung bakit marami pa rin ang supply ng shabu. May 
pinanggagalingan 'yan. I still believe there is another one," he said.

Aglipay declined to say when asked if the lab was in Central Visayas. "We 
intend to locate it. And when that time comes, we will invite you to see 
it," he said.

However, Rep. Antonio Cuenco said it would not surprise him if another lab 
is raided in Cebu in the next few days.


Cuenco said he met with Aglipay yesterday morning but that the information 
was confidential, and declined to disclose the details.

As for the recommendation of the Department of Justice (DOJ) to include the 
owners of the warehouse in the complaint for the manufacturing of shabu, 
Cuenco said this was the first time owners were being charged. (See 
separate story)

He said that in the other raids in Manila, none of the owners were ever 

"During the trial, they can prove their innocence," he said.

These developments, he believes, will serve as a message to warehouse 
owners not to completely trust their tenants.


He plans to file a bill requiring warehouse owners to conduct regular 
inspections four times a year.

Cuenco explained that they need not secure a search warrant for this as 
they can tap the fire department, sanitation inspectors and building 
inspectors to aid them in conducting the inspections.

Though the bill is still in the works, Cuenco said those who do not 
initiate the inspections will face penalties.

Cuenco also said the congressional hearings proved useful, as they were 
able to extract information.

He said they learned the contract of lease was not notarized and that the 
warehouse owners did not conduct a background check before renting these 
out to their tenants.

Cuenco was glad about the DOJ resolution, saying it was about time since 
the raid on the shabu lab was last year yet. 
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