Pubdate: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation (Australia Web) Copyright: 2005 Australian Broadcasting Corporation Contact: Details: NIMBIN SMOKERS TO RALLY AGAINST POLICE 'HARASSMENT' A rally will be held this afternoon in Nimbin, in northern NSW, protesting against what some people say is a new wave of police harassment. The rally has been organised by the Hemp Embassy, which wants cannabis legalised. The police presence in Nimbin has strengthened and recently two tourist buses were pulled over and searched by a sniffer dog, and cannabis cautions were given to overseas tourists. Hemp spokesman Michael Balderstone says he wants better communication between the police and the community. "There's so much frustration in town and there's so much...injustice people feel because of the way we're harassed because we're cannabis users, so at least it gives people a chance to express themselves," he said. "Some discussion might happen, let's see. I mean it is stupid...I've watched this for years, year after year the same thing happens, it's a lot of money spent and it makes no impact." Police have accepted an invitation to speak at the rally. Inspector Tony Crandell says police have not embarked on an "us versus them" campaign. "No, look we're not out to harass the people of Nimbin...make no mistake that the police are there to stop the level of drug dealing in Nimbin," he said. "Michael himself agrees that drug dealing in Nimbin is not something that is supported by the general community out there. We've in the past sought to implement strategies that target the drug suppliers and we'll continue to do that." - --- MAP posted-by: Derek