Pubdate: Wed, 16 Nov 2005
Source: Daily Mail (UK)
Copyright: 2005 Associated Newspapers Ltd
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Cannabis Plant On Which New Medicine Is Based

Doctors are set to prescribe a new cannabis-based medicine to patients
with multiple sclerosis even though it is yet to be licensed in the

The Home Office has agreed to requests from doctors and patients to
allow Sativex to be imported from Canada where it has been on sale
since late June.

The decision by drugs minister Paul Goggins was made in spite of the
refusal of regulators last year to award Sativex a full licence in the
UK until more clinical data was available.

A statement from maker GW Pharmaceuticals said there was scope within
the Medicines Act for a drug to be prescribed and supplied in response
to a specific request from a GP even if it has not yet been licensed.

"The basis on which Sativex may be imported, therefore, is the
clinical judgement of doctors in relation to specific, nominated
patients," GW said.

Doctors will need a special Home Office licence to prescribe Sativex -
an oral spray designed for the relief of spasticity, or involuntary
muscle contractions, in MS sufferers.

Because it will remain a controlled drug, GW said talks will take
place with the Home Office during the coming weeks over how a
licensing regime can be put in place.

Today's news sent shares in GW up 20 per cent and the company
confirmed it still intended to seek full regulatory approval for
Sativex in the UK.

The company is conducting a number of further Phase III trials and is
planning to submit a fresh marketing application to the Medicines and
Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) during 2006.

Only after such an approval is granted can the product be promoted in
the UK.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin