Pubdate: Wed, 09 Mar 2005
Source: Peninsula News Review (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Peninsula News Review
Author: Laura Lavin
Bookmark: (D.A.R.E.)


Sidney/North Saanich RCMP have been DARE-ing kids to resist drugs since 
2000. But the program always runs on the edge of extinction.

"Funding is our biggest issue," said RCMP Cst. Ravi Gunasinghe. The DARE 
course is taught to Grade 5 students at a cost of approximately $700 per class.

In its first two years the Sidney program taught two classes, since 
Gunasinghe took over the program last year, about half of the Grade 5 
classes in the district have received the course.

"My goal is to reach all Grade 5 classes - that could be up to 10 or 12 
classes," said Gunasinghe.

DARE [Drug & Alcohol Resistance Education] was established in 1983 in Los 
Angeles, California as a life skills based drug prevention education 
program for elementary school-aged children. It has been running in cities 
across Canada since 1993.

The course includes 10 weekly lessons that include topics such as 
consequences, building self-esteem, assertiveness, managing stress, 
reducing violence, media influences, making decisions about risky behaviour 
and positive role modelling. The program focuses on the development of 
personal skills, attributes and strategies needed to resist the constantly 
increasing pressure to experiment with drugs, including alcohol, tobacco 
and solvents.

"The hope is to delay the onset of first-use - if not try to eliminate it 
altogether," Gunasinghe said.

The DARE program relies on community donations for funding said Gunasinghe.

"We've had donations from the Knights of Columbus, Nicholson Manufacturing 
and PAC [Parent Advisory Council] groups from the schools," he said. But 
the most recent donation of $1,400 from the Knights of Pythias will fund 
two full classes.

"This is a huge help, it will fund some of this year as well," Gunasinghe said.

The Knights of Pythias have been in Sidney since 1945; in 1998 they sold 
their lodge on Fourth Street and invested the money. Since then they have 
been able to assist several local organizations with donations.

For more information on the Knights of Pythias you can contact Joe Fenton 
at 656-3275, for more information on the DARE program or to make a donation 
contact Ravi Gunasinghe at 655-2521.