Pubdate: Thu, 09 Jun 2005
Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA)
Copyright: 2005 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.
Note: Does not print LTEs from outside it's circulation area.
Author: Jeff McDonald, Union-Tribune Staff Writer
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)
Cited: Gonzales v. Raich ( )
Cited: Americans for Safe Access ( )
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)
Bookmark: (Cannabis - California)


County Is Chided For Ignoring Law

San Diego County supervisors have ignored the will of California 
voters for too long and should take "all possible action" to promote 
access to marijuana for seriously ill constituents who might benefit 
from it, the grand jury said yesterday.

In a rebuke announced two days after the U.S. Supreme Court upheld 
the federal government's power to prosecute medical marijuana 
patients, the grand jury said county leaders shirked their duty to 
abide by California law.

"The San Diego County Board of Supervisors has been blinded by its 
prejudices against medical marijuana use and has failed to implement 
the will of California voters," the report stated.

In 1996, 56 percent of California voters approved the use of 
marijuana for patients who have a doctor's recommendation, but the 
drug remains illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act.

In San Diego County, the 1996 initiative, known as the Compassionate 
Use Act, passed with just over 52 percent support.

The 16-page grand jury report included the disclaimer that it neither 
endorses nor condones the illegal use of drugs and takes no position 
on the medicinal value of marijuana. But it sharply criticized county 
supervisors for refusing to adopt uniform standards for the 
cultivation and use of medical marijuana for up to 5,000 patients who 
live in the county.

"California law is clear," the grand jury said. "The cultivation 
and/or possession of marijuana is legal when necessary for medical 
purposes and authorized by a physician."

The timing of the report was coincidental to Monday's Supreme Court ruling.

In answering the report, county officials said they have no role in 
the ongoing dispute over medical marijuana.

"The county of San Diego is not in a position to issue rulings that 
would fly in the face of federal law," board Chairwoman Pam 
Slater-Price said. "We do not have that authority."

In a response May 31 to a draft of the grand jury report, county 
Chief Administrative Officer Walter Ekard noted, "The Board of 
Supervisors has no authority over the manner in which local and 
federal law enforcement agencies interpret or enforce laws."

Nonetheless, eight California counties instituted identification card 
programs to assist police and sheriff's deputies in enforcing the 
law, and four others are participating in a state-sponsored pilot ID 
program, the grand jury stated.

Eighteen counties have adopted detailed guidelines, the report said. 
"San Diego patients and caregivers are being deprived of the same 
rights and protections as citizens in other, less populous counties," 
jurors wrote.

On Tuesday, the day after the Supreme Court ruling, Alameda County 
supervisors approved a plan to permit three new medical marijuana 
dispensaries in the unincorporated parts of that county, which would 
raise the total to 10 there.

Grand jury foreman William Westlake said jurors took up the subject 
after receiving complaints from residents about the uneven 
enforcement of medical marijuana laws in the county.

"We felt we could do a service to the county by investigating this 
matter in more detail and determining why the city of San Diego had 
definite plans and direction and why the county was reluctant or 
reticent in providing programs," Westlake said.

The grand jury spent months researching medical marijuana and 
interviewing public officials and activists.

The report commended the cities of San Diego and Escondido for 
developing guidelines that police can use to evaluate the legitimacy 
of medical marijuana claims, and praised a San Diego municipal task 
force for its commitment to implementing the Compassionate Use Act.

The report also credited the San Diego County District Attorney's 
Office for "its attempt to inject reasonableness and consistency at 
the prosecution stage" of medical marijuana cases.

County prosecutors evaluate every medical marijuana case 
independently and file charges only when they are convinced the 
claims are not valid under state law.

Kris Hermes, legal campaign director of the advocacy group Americans 
for Safe Access, said dozens of California cities and counties have 
steered clear of implementing the state's medical marijuana law.

"It's a pretty significant problem," said Hermes, whose agency is 
suing the city of Fresno for its refusal to allow a dispensary. "That 
means patients are unnecessarily harassed and arrested for what 
should be legal conduct."

The 19-member grand jury investigates government programs of the 
county, cities and special districts.