Pubdate: Thu, 6 Jan 2005 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Copyright: 2005 Houston Chronicle Publishing Company Division, Hearst Newspaper Contact: Details: Author: Dean Becker Referenced: CHANGES TO MARIJUANA LAWS DOPE MORE DEAR THAN GOLD Regarding the Chronicle's Jan. 3 editorial "Diversion/Reducing penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana is a sensible idea": This common-sense analysis should embolden readers to contact their state legislators referencing the editorial as a strong stepping-stone toward sanity in the drug war. The label of marijuana was used by the first drug czar, Harry J. Anslinger, to create "reefer madness" over a "creeping danger" infiltrating our nation by way of "Mexican hoodlums." Now forgotten by most is the fact that until 1937, cannabis was sold over the counter in a dozen varieties, including extracts and tinctures prescribed by doctors, and was listed for 70 years in the U.S. pharmacopeia. But no matter whether it was a conspiracy of media giants, a racial roundup to corral Mexicans and blacks or a simple scam to ensure billions in eternal profits for drug traffickers, the drug war is a sham - top to bottom and worldwide. Our government claims we are winning the war on drugs, yet most drugs are cheaper, purer and more available to our children than ever before. Thanks to the crackdown on cannabis users, the cost of this one drug is rising, and it can now cost more per ounce than pure gold. Many proclaim it a great success that young people are using less cannabis these days, but not mentioned is the fact that they are inhaling more (cheaper) solvents. Dean Becker Houston - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake