Pubdate: Fri, 07 Jan 2005
Source: Daily Express (Malaysia)
Copyright: 2005 Daily Express


Kota Kinabalu: Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said police will be 
stepping up surveillance and patrolling, including in housing estates, to 
counter the increase in crimes lately.

"This was decided today. The State Government will go all out to support 
security forces in combating crimes and reduce them as much as possible," 
he said, after chairing the State Security Committee's first meeting this 
year at Wisma Innoprise in Likas, Thursday.

"The Government is sensitive to the concern of the people who are worried 
about the escalating major crimes, especially in the City area," he said, 
adding the overall security in Sabah was under control.

Musa noted that the presence of security forces manning security posts in 
the country's waters, especially the east coast of Sabah, was successful in 
controlling transborder crime activities.

"This would be maintained and always enhanced," he said.

He also assured that the Ops Nyah Bersepadu offensive against all illegal 
immigrants in the State would resume once the amnesty period ends this 
month. So far, about 37,847 illegal immigrants from Indonesia, Philippines, 
India, Pakistan and China had returned to their countries.

"The police and army are prepared. We are going all out to weed out the 
illegal immigrants after the amnesty period is over," he said.

He said several locations such as agricultural areas and illegal squatter 
settlements had been identified as the main hideouts of illegal immigrants.

The committee urged employers to take immediate step to send home their 
paperless foreign workers as they could be penalised for hiring or 
harbouring illegals. Musa, who is Finance Minister, also expressed concern 
over the increasing drug abuse in Sabah which, he said, was often linked to 
other crimes.

"We noted that most of these crimes were committed by drug addicts," he 
said. About 4,959 addicts were detected between January and October last 
year compared to 2,393 previously.

The Government, he said, was worried over the problem in Sabah which ranked 
third on the national list in terms of new addicts. Statistics also showed 
KK had the most number of addicts compared to other districts in Sabah.

He said an integrated operation to combat drug abuse would be carried out 
following a briefing by the National Narcotic Agency Sabah.

An Anti-Drug Action Council would be set up at the State level chaired by 
him and headed at the district level by the respective district officers in 
line with the Prime Minister's aspirations.

At the same time, he said the State Government and police would launch the 
programme Rakancops (Cops Partner) to encourage the participation of the 
public in providing vital information to fight crimes.

"This is to create a wider crime fighting network and the State Government 
welcome the initiative by the police," he said, adding that support from 
all to combat drug addiction and crimes is essential.
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MAP posted-by: Beth