Pubdate: Sat, 08 Jan 2005 Source: Miami Herald (FL) Copyright: 2005 The Miami Herald Contact: Details: Author: Wanda J. DeMarzo Bookmark: (Corruption - United States) SHERIFF SHAKES UP TOP STAFF IN CRIME-STATISTICS SCANDAL Sheriff Ken Jenne announced changes in the Broward Sheriff's Office Friday to rectify the underreporting of crimes and overreporting of clearance rates. Broward Sheriff Ken Jenne on Friday announced a sweeping overhaul of his agency, capping a year of turmoil and scandal over its systematic manipulation of crime statistics. Four of the sheriff's command staff -- trusted members of his inner circle -- are out. Twenty-nine detectives and sergeants have been transferred, mostly to the road patrol. And a controversial accountability system known as Powertrac -- which many critics have said encouraged deputies to "cook the books" by underreporting crimes and closing cases through fraudulent means -- will be dramatically changed. The shake-up followed last week's filing of criminal charges against two of Jenne's deputies in connection with the crime reporting scandal. More such cases are anticipated. The scandal mainly involves deputies taking crime complaints, such as burglaries and car break-ins, from crime victims only to misreport them as noncriminal "suspicious incidents," a way to make the crime rate appear lower than it actually is. In addition, scores of criminal cases were "closed" by blaming them on people who could not have committed the crimes. In some cases people confessed to crimes even though they were incarcerated at the time the crimes occurred. By touting its low crime rate and high rate of solving cases, BSO convinced several cities to merge their departments into the sheriff's office. BSO is Broward's largest law enforcement agency, patrolling more than a dozen cities in addition to unincorporated Broward. While the punishment has fallen on others, some of whom had served Jenne and previous sheriffs for three decades, Jenne acknowledged he was not blameless. "I should have been more inquisitive and I initially underestimated the scope and complexity of the problem," Jenne said. "I made mistakes and in doing so have learned lessons and have become a better public servant." Jenne said a major restructuring of the senior staff is taking place and that he would conduct a nationwide search for a variety of top-level positions. 4 Who Are Leaving Here are the four people whose retirement were announced Friday: Undersheriff Tom Carney. He was the No. 2 man in the department, having joined in November 1975. Lt. Col. Tom Brennan. He oversaw various countywide services, including SWAT and the Office of Professional Compliance, equivalent to internal affairs. Brennan had been with BSO since August 1975. Maj. Anthony Fantigrassi. He was head of BSO's Criminal Investigations Unit and joined the agency in March 1971. Maj. John Feltgen. Most recently the head of Fire Services, he previously helped formulate and expand Powertrac. Feltgen worked for BSO for almost 30 years. The fours were not made available to reporters for comment. John Cochran, assistant chairman of the criminology department at the University of South Florida in Tampa, who has followed the BSO scandal, said the sheriff's announcement was a way of trying to gain back the agency's credibility. "The retirements of the top staff is a way of allowing loyal employees to leave the agency with their dignity and their pensions and good name," Cochran said. The sheriff also announced that Powertrac was undergoing major changes. He said it will be supplanted with a different system "that allows us to focus more on the needs of the BSO law enforcement personnel and the individuals communities we serve." Critics of Powertrac say the system pressured deputies into downgrading crimes, failing to take reports and "exceptionally clearing" cases by blaming them on people who could not have committed the crimes. "Exceptional clearances" are cases where an offender is found to have committed a crime but no charge is filed. In some cases, one offender would admit to dozens of crimes but be formally charged with only one or two. All of the cases would be recorded as "cleared." Critics have suggested the regular Powertrac accountability sessions resemble an inquisition. Under the existing system, district chiefs and their top aides appear before Jenne and his command staff and are grilled about their ability -- or inability -- to lower crime rates area. The questioning, with the chief at the head of the room under bright lights, could be harsh and withering. A recent report by a consultant said some BSO personnel would call in sick to avoid facing Powertrac. Recommendations Six months ago, a Professional Standards Review Board recommended suspensions ranging from one to seven days for those involved in misreporting crimes. The sheriff never signed off on those recommendations. Friday's actions appeared to be a harsher way of addressing BSO's problems. Jenne said he wasn't satisfied by the recommendations. The head of Broward's police union blamed the crime reporting problems on Powertrac and said the deputies were just doing what they had been trained to do. "There was undue pressure on the commanders and it filtered down to the deputies. He needs to get rid of Powertrac. It is atrocious," said Police Benevolent Association President Dick Brickman. "After the sessions, the district chief would come back and tell his command staff to get those [crime] numbers down and clearance rates up and there'd be that old wink which meant 'take care of it.'" And they did, Brickman said. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake