Pubdate: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 Source: Salem News (MA) Copyright: 2005 Essex County Newspapers Contact: Details: Author: Alan Burke FIGHTING FOR THEIR LIVES The new scourge of cheap heroin has police, educators and social workers shaking their heads. And it has those parents who aren't crying over the loss of a child wondering whether their son or daughter could be next. The problem of opiate addiction, the subject of a two-part series that appeared in the Eagle-Tribune newspapers last week, demands our attention and action. It won't just go away. Indeed, Essex County District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett and others in law enforcement say the low prices at which heroin is sold on the street today is simply part of the dealers' business plan. Once enough people are hooked, the cost will go up -- bringing a new spiral of crime and hurt. What's required now is a multi-pronged assault not only on the drug-sellers, but on a culture that has come to expect a solution for every problem in a bottle of pills and the kind of pressures that prompt young people to seek escape in mind-altering substances. As last week's stories made all too clear, this problem is not confined to any one community or any single demographic. And the crime it spawns as addicts seek the cash with which to feed their habit, can touch anyone at any time in any place. "I'm scared," Blodgett declared. And the stories related of lives lost, families split apart and youthful potential squandered, should frighten us all. The numbers tell part of the story: * 300 -- the percentage increase in the number of opiate overdoses in Essex County over the last 10 years. * 39 -- the number of fatal drug overdoses in Essex County in 2003, according to figures obtained by filing Freedom of Information requests with area police departments. * 350 -- the number of people served by a Peabody methadone clinic that expected to have 180 clients when it opened two years ago. * $1 billion -- the amount of legally prescribed OxyContin sold in 2001. * 2.8 million -- the number of people who admitted using OxyContin for nonmedical reasons in 2003, according to the Drug Abuse Warning Network. But much more powerful are the words of those whom this epidemic has impacted directly. "I cashed in the trust of my family. I pawned my freedom." -- Former Peabody High School honor student and class treasurer Andrew Moskovitch, who related his battle with OxyContin addiction to reporter Paul Leighton. "Bye, mom." - -- Four-year-old Nickolas after visiting the grave of his mother who died at 28 years of age from a lethal overdose of heroin and cocaine. "It's getting to be like coke when it came on the scene in the early 1980s to mid-80s. That's where we're at with heroin today. It's here. You have to deal with it." - -- Haverhill Police Sgt. John Arahovites. The stories related in the series told of pain, of hope, and of the reluctance of some to acknowledge the extent of the problem Education is paramount, and Blodgett, with Essex County Sheriff Frank G. Cousins and others, will kick off a regional awareness effort Thursday with an all-day program for school, medical and law enforcement personnel at Merrimack College in North Andover. In too many cases, police, teachers, even parents, would prefer to ignore or rationalize kids' involvement with drugs. That doesn't help; and neither will the decriminalization of marijuana laws, favored by voters in a nonbinding referendum on several area ballots last November. Most in law enforcement insist that drug is a gateway to experimentation with more harmful substances. Continued police pressure on those who would profit from the sale of illegal substances is also essential. Mayors and selectmen should make sure local departments have the resources needed to combat this nefarious trade. But there was near universal agreement that the most effective way to address this epidemic is to do everything possible to remove the demand for opiates. Frighteningly, experts say even one taste of concentrated OxyContin is enough to get you hooked. Parents -- "the anti-drug," according to one public service advertising campaign currently airing -- face a formidable task these days. But the fight against this epidemic must begin in the home. It must be waged by parents who make it their business to know what their children are doing and who they are hanging out with -- not because they're nosy, but because they care. - --- MAP posted-by: Josh