Pubdate: Thu, 23 Jun 2005
Source: Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)
Copyright: 2005 Winnipeg Free Press
Author: David Kuxhaus
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


Yesterday was a day to remember for Vu Tran.

He became a father for the first time and hours later avoided going 
to jail courtesy of a soft-hearted judge.

"I'm giving you a big break," said Court of Queen's Bench Justice 
John Scurfield.

Tran, 27, was given a one-year conditional sentence after being 
convicted of possession for the purpose of trafficking.

Police found 11 pounds of marijuana in his car back in February 2002.

Scurfield said he was persuaded not to send Tran to jail because of a 
joint recommendation by the Crown and defence. He also admitted that 
he has a "soft-heart" and said it's important that Tran bond with his child.

However, he warned the new father that he better not run afoul of the 
law or he'd end up in jail.

"If you love your little daughter and you want to be with her you 
better make sure that doesn't happen," said Scurfield.

Tran was in court for 10 a.m. His wife gave birth just a few hours 
earlier said his lawyer.

"He (Tran) went directly from the operating theatre to the court this 
morning," defence counsel Michael Wasylin told the judge.

Crown attorney Cathy Finnbogason told the court that Tran had been 
hired to drive around some guys from Vancouver who were in Winnipeg 
to make a drug deal when they were stopped by police. Wasylin said 
his client wasn't directly involved in selling drugs and made his 
living as a welder.

He added that Tran has no criminal record.
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