Pubdate: Wed, 22 Jun 2005
Source: Shelby County Reporter ( AL)
Copyright: 2005 Shelby County Reporter
Author: Brandon Gresham
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


Beginning July 1, Alabama pharmacies will be required to follow 
strict guidelines when selling products containing ephedrine and 
pseudoephedrine such as decongestants and cold medicines.

House Bill 152, championed by Alabama Attorney General Troy King and 
passed in the Alabama State Legislature last May, is aimed at 
combating the ever-growing problem of illegal production of 
methamphetamine in the state.

The ingredients in ephedrine products can be used to create illegal 

The law requires Alabama pharmacies to either keep these products 
behind the counter or keep the area of the store where they are on 
display under video surveillance.

In addition, customers purchasing the medications will be required to 
present identification and sign a log before they can buy the products.

Medications must contain 30 milligrams of ephedrine to fall under the 
new regulations.

King said he believes the new law will help stop the state's meth problem.

"This law will make it more difficult for criminals to get what they 
need to manufacture methamphetamine," King said. "The families of 
Alabama will be safer from the plague of methamphetamine that has 
been spreading across our state, bringing destruction to communities 
both large and small."

As pharmacies in Shelby County work to meet the new guidelines, some 
owners are unsure whether the law will be effective.

Earnest Kochem, owner of Ernie's Pharmacy in Helena, said he believes 
the regulations will ultimately be ineffective.

"There's definitely a loophole in the law," he said. "What's to stop 
people from going to every drugstore in the county? The big drawback 
is that people can still store-shop and get what they need."

Kochem said that he will have to decide whether to even sell products 
containing ephedrine.

"It will be difficult to keep all of the products behind the 
counter," he said. "And it's not worth it to put in a $2,000 camera 
system to watch over a few bottles of cold medicine."

Wood Family Pharmacy owner Wendy Wood disagrees with Kochem.

"I think this is exactly what needed to be done a long time ago," she said.

Wood's Pharmacy in Pelham already has a camera system in place and 
will use it to monitor the drugs.

"However," she said, "I'm still unsure of how the law is going to be 
enforced. I don't know whether they are planning on inspecting the 
pharmacies or just keep track of the logs."

Attorney General King recently stated that Bill 152 is not the end of 
the state's battle with illegal meth production and distribution.

"In future sessions of the Legislature, I will advocate the passage 
of a law to create tough penalties and protect children who live 
under the threat of methamphetamine environments," he said. "I 
promise the families of Alabama that I will lead law enforcement in 
using the tools that were given to us to better wage the fight 
against the proliferation of meth-related activities."
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