Pubdate: Fri, 24 Jun 2005
Source: South London Press (UK)
Copyright: Trinity Mirror Plc 2005


DRUG dealer arrests in Croydon have dropped by 45 per cent in the 
past four years.

New figures from London Mayor Ken Livingstone show that in 2001 there 
were 64 arrests in the borough for supplying or possession with 
intent to supply all Class A and Class B drugs, excluding cannabis. 
But in 2004 it dropped to just 35.

This follows successful operations by Croydon Police, including an 
operation in November when they arrested a drugs mastermind in South 
Norwood who had imported two kilos of cocaine using parcel delivery services.

Jude Onwuyaluo, 30, of Silverbirch Close, Thamesmead, Kent, was 
jailed for 10 years in May.

Mark Carroll, manager of The Oaks Resource Centre, in London Road, 
which helps people with drug problems, said the drop in arrests had 
made no difference to the numbers they treated.

He said: "We have not noticed a change one way or the other. Business 
is brisk and the numbers in treatment are rising but that reflects an 
increase in our capacity as well as better links with the criminal 
justice system which now incorporates treatment in sentencing. There 
are so many things that are changing it is difficult to pin down the cause."

A police spokesman was unavailable for comment as the Advertiser went to press.
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