Pubdate: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 Source: Fort Pierce Tribune (FL) Copyright: 2005 The E.W. Scripps Co. Contact: Website: Details: Author: Boyd R. Holmes Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal) MOST PEOPLE DISAGREE This is in regard to Ken Ward's opinion page article, "Pot plan is for dopes," which ran in the June 2 issue of the Tribune. Surely Ken Ward doesn't believe the mindless drivel he wrote. I imagine the Tribune simply had to have someone write an opposing view to Paul Armentano's truthful, enlightening article. If Ward actually does believe that medical cannabis is just "one big smokescreen put up by those who just want to puff pot," then he should tell that to Montel Williams, Angel Raich and the thousands of other "dopes" who have tried every pharmaceutical drug on the market but can only find relief from cannabis. I have some news for Mr. Ward. Over 80 percent of Americans disagree with him on the issue of medical cannabis. He is in the ever-shrinking 20 percent of people that are gullible enough to believe the government's absurd propaganda. Maybe he should do a little honest research before he decides to play with people's lives. Boyd R. Holmes Decatur, Ill. - --- MAP posted-by: Beth