Pubdate: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 Source: StarPhoenix, The (CN SN) Copyright: 2005 The StarPhoenix Contact: Details: Author: Ken Sailor Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada) Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization) Bookmark: (Harm Reduction) Bookmark: (Methamphetamine) PROHIBITION DOESN'T WORK TO STOP UNWANTED DRUGS The SP deserves thanks for the recent series on the ravages of crystal methamphetamine. As well as dramatically stating why meth is dangerous, you also showed what a failure prohibition has been in attempting to eradicate the use of this drug. Instead of protecting anyone, prohibition has allowed the distribution of the drug to grow while its price is falling. Furthermore, the deaths you reported had to do with impurities and unknown drug strength -- unfortunate circumstances that would not happen if a pure, legal supply were available to those unfortunates who feel they must use it. Drug policy reform is often referred to as "harm reduction," because prohibition magnifies the harms associated with drug use. At the very least, through drug legalization we can prevent the crime, disease and death caused by prohibition. The most startling aspect of prohibition is the fact that our rates of drug use -- including marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and crystal meth - -- are more than would be the case if these drugs were legal. Not only does prohibition magnify the harms to the individual user, it also magnifies the harm to society. The more effective way to control drug use is through societal disapproval. If drugs were not cool, kids would not use them. If drug use were not driven underground, then family and friends would know sooner what was going on. The more effective way to reduce the harm to someone caught in a drug addiction is to provide addiction services to anyone willing to accept them, not to put the user in jail. Feeling righteous about the war on drugs is not enough: the time has come to act sensibly and compassionately. Legalization combined with education and addiction services are the most effective way to combat our terrible problems. Ken Sailor Saskatoon - --- MAP posted-by: Beth