Pubdate: Sun, 26 Jun 2005
Source: Connecticut Post (Bridgeport, CT)
Copyright: 2005sMediaNews Group, Inc
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Chronic Pain)
Bookmark: (Decrim/Legalization)
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The question of using marijuana to treat the effects of chemotherapy 
remains controversial. Dan Wheeler did not use marijuana, but his 
reasoning is complex.

Reactions to chemotherapy differ, and while Dan was nauseated, he 
could hold down food. Other patients constantly vomit, unable to get 
nutrition from the things they eat.

Dan knew that if he felt bad enough marijuana was an option. People 
offered to get it for him. "For me, it was a personal choice. I don't 
think there is anything immoral about it. It's just a choice I've 
always made." Pausing, he continued: "I think other people should be 
allowed the option." He knows of a man with bone cancer and he said 
smoking marijuana was the only thing that would help him eat and dull the pain.

"I see no reason why it can't be regulated as a prescription drug in 
Connecticut. People are afraid of what it means [as a step] toward 
legalization, but people are suffering and they don't seem to care about that.

"The human factor isn't looked into nearly as much as it should be. 
They're not allowing people to make the choice for themselves, or if 
they are, they're forcing them to do it illegally. They're forcing 
them to endanger themselves, because you never know what it's laced 
with. "It takes such audacity, telling someone you don't know not 
only how it's best for them to live, but, in cases of terminal 
illnesses, how it's best for them to die & and that's suffering and pain."
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MAP posted-by: Beth