Pubdate: Tue, 28 Jun 2005
Source: Regina Leader-Post (CN SN)
Copyright: 2005 The Leader-Post Ltd.
Author: Tim Switzer, staff
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


RCMP and Regina Police Service members seized approximately one
kilogram of methamphetamine from a Regina home Friday night, in one of
the biggest crystal meth seizures ever in Saskatchewan.

Members of the Regina Integrated Drug Unit and the Regina Integrated
Proceeds of Crime Unit -- both consisting of RCMP and RPS members --
executed a search warrant, seizing the meth along with a small amount
of cocaine, and arrested a 50-year-old man.

The total estimated street value of the cocaine and the
methamphetamine combined is approximately $100,000.

RCMP spokesperson Heather Russell said there is no evidence that the
crystal meth was manufactured locally and she could not say if this
seizure linked to a larger network in the city or elsewhere.

"Since there's no indication of manufacture here in the city, it's our
belief that this meth came to the city from somewhere else and our
experience in the past has been the selling of drugs is usually done
by groups of individuals working together," she said. "Although we
consider this a single incident, we're continuing to investigate to
see if we can determine where the drugs came from and if there are
other people involved."

She added that when one considers that meth is usually sold by the
point (about one-tenth of a gram) at approximately $10 a piece, this
seizure represents a significant amount.

Minh Thanh Nguyen appeared in Regina provincial court Monday charged
with possession of methamphetamine for the purpose of trafficking,
possession of cocaine for the purpose of trafficking, possession of
the proceeds of crime and failing to comply with a recognizance. He
was remanded until July 6.

He is also slated for trial in Yorkton on separate charges of
possession of the proceeds of crime.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin