Pubdate: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 Source: Amarillo Globe-News (TX) Copyright: 2005 Amarillo Globe-News Contact: Details: Author: Stan White Referenced: CHECK WITH MASTER GARDENER BEFORE WEEDING OUT POT I strongly disagree with Lovera McGill ("Legalization of marijuana would make big stink," June 23). Caging humans for using a plant is sick and uncivilized human behavior for the year 2005. Further, as an obedient Christian, I'd like to point out that all seed-bearing plants were created by Christ God Our Father, who said they were all good on literally the first page of the Bible. Government would like citizens to think cannabis is a chemical weapon of mass destruction; in reality, it has been medically documented for more than 5,000 years, still without a single fatality. Can that be said about any other substance on earth? That's safety, on a biblical scale. Instead of allowing cannabis to be exterminated by a disobedient Christian government, we should thank God, the original ecologist, for cannabis and accept this blessing. Stan White Dillon, Colo. - --- MAP posted-by: Josh