Pubdate: Wed, 29 Jun 2005
Source: Paris News (TX)
Copyright: 2005 Paris News
Author: Mary Madewell, The Paris News
Bookmark: (Drug Testing)
Bookmark: (Students - United States)


A student drug-testing policy over a year in the making is expected to be 
in place when Paris Independent School District students begin classes in 

Trustees heard a second reading of the policy Tuesday with a third and 
final reading and trustee vote scheduled for July 28.

If approved, the policy will require students in grades seven through 12 
who compete in school-sponsored competitive extracurricular activities to 
be placed in a pool for random drug testing.

The policy represents a change from a proposed policy discussed a year ago 
that called for high school students to be tested prior to the first day of 
practice for a competitive activity.

"We are facing all kinds of budget constraints," Superintendent Paul Trull 
explained about the change. Costs for random testing are estimated at about 
$6,000 a year compared to $20,000 to test all high school competitors.

"After reviewing, thinking and studying, we really want a way for students 
to arm themselves and say, 'I may have to be tested.' With that thought in 
mind, we are recommending placing all students in the pool for random 
testing starting the first day of school."

Trull explained that concerns expressed during 2004 board meetings and at a 
public forum have been taken into consideration.

A drug-testing consent form no longer calls for a student's Social Security 
number nor a listing of prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

Substances to be tested for will include anything illegal to buy, possess, 
use, sell or distribute under state of federal law, according to the 
policy. Alcohol is covered, as well as performance enhancing substances, 
including steroids.

Samples are to be taken "under conditions that are no more intrusive to 
students than the conditions experienced in a public restroom," according 
to the policy.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom