Pubdate: Tue, 05 Jul 2005
Source: Manila Times (Philippines)
Copyright: 2005, The Manila Times
Author: Anthony Vargas
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)
Bookmark: (Corruption - Outside U.S.)


ANTIDRUG officials are alarmed that the number of drug-dependents in
the country has not declined despite what they consider a success in
anti-illegal drug operations in the past year.

Interior Secretary Angelo Reyes acknowledged Monday that 3.4 million
Filipinos are hooked on drugs.

"The figure is alarming and the drug problem [in the country]
continues," said Reyes, also chairs the Dangerous Drugs Board.

Reyes said efforts are under way to ensure that the supply of illegal
drugs as well as the number of drug dependents are reduced

Reyes admitted that the program includes an "internal cleansing in the
antidrug unit" by purging the misfits, the corrupt and employees who
are drug-users or dependents themselves.

"We go on media campaign, public-information campaign and
rehabilitation campaign to see to it that the demand for drugs would
be reduced," Reyes said.

The police's Anti-Illegal Drugs Special Operation Task Force
celebrated its second anniversary Monday.

The task force has boasted that it has reduced the illegal-drug supply
by as much as 65 percent.

Deputy Director Ricardo de Leon, task-force commander, said they are
optimistic that they would be able to sustain their success on the
unit's third year.

"We have accomplished many things this year and we're hoping that this
would be duplicated next year.  There's a lot of work ahead of us," de
Leon said.

The task force, working together with the Philippine Drug Enforcement
Agency and other anti-illegal narcotics agencies, was able to shut
down 12 shabu laboratories and five shabu warehouses last year.

The collective effort has netted at least P40-billion worth of illegal
drugs, chemicals and laboratory equipment. 
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