Pubdate: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 Source: Ledger, The (FL) Copyright: 2005 The Ledger Contact: Details: Author: Cory Reiss, Ledger Washington Bureau Bookmark: (Methamphetamine) METH'S MARCH CHALLENGES DRUG WAR WASHINGTON -- Terry Fernandez says he's seen too many children sleeping beside toxic chemicals in busted neighborhood meth labs. In Florida, where known methamphetamine labs grew more than 10-fold from 1999 to 2004, that toll and others are rising as states scramble to control a homemade drug that is hitting eastern states hard and fast. "It's a dirty drug," said Fernandez, director of the Central Florida High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area, a seven-county multiagency alliance with federal funding. "Once they're into it, they're into it forever." The methamphetamine debate was reinforced last week by a report of the National Association of Counties that said nearly 60 percent of counties consider this to be their biggest drug problem. Meth is a highly addictive stimulant that has effects similar to cocaine but lasts longer and is cheaper. The Bush administration is trying to cut several programs that state officials say are key to fighting meth. That includes an attempt to slash and redefine the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program. Critics say the White House remains focused on the traditional targets of marijuana and to a lesser extent cocaine while attempting to reorient federal dollars limited by the war on terrorism toward high-level drug rings. Congress is resisting, and appears inclined to restore many of Bush's cuts out of concern for local agencies combating a drug made by small-time "cooks" virtually anywhere. In the absence of federal action, at least 42 states have passed or are considering laws to regulate cold medicines that include the key ingredients ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, which allow meth to be made in homes, motel rooms and rural hamlets once known for bootlegging liquor. The ingredients are highly toxic and flammable, often resulting in serious explosions. Congress is wrestling with legislation, but it is unclear how quick, strong or comprehensive that effort will be. "National leadership does need to pay more heed to it," said James McDonough, director of the Florida Office of Drug Control. COMMON COLD The Florida Legislature this year put some cold medicines behind the counter as of July 1. That law, however, is not considered among the strongest. In Florida, Sudafed, Actafed and generic equivalents that contain pseudoephedrine as their sole active ingredient are behind the counter and can only be purchased three packs at a time, but in unlimited visits. Stricter laws in states such as Oklahoma regulate more medications and limit monthly sales. "In the political world, you deal with the art of the possible," McDonough said, "so we came up with what we thought was a pragmatic law with the backing of all players." Experts say the patchwork that states are creating allows for loopholes. Congress is considering a slew of bills in the House and Senate that would regulate cold medicines nationwide, enhance programs for children exposed to the chemical process and address other effects. House members say some measures could reach the floor as early as this month. Sens. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., and Jim Talent, R-Mo., for example, are pushing legislation that would limit purchases of cold medicine containing pseudoephedrine per person each month. Logs would be kept and identification checked. Retailers have successfully fought such measures in many states. RUNGS OF THE LADDER According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, there were 7,438 meth labs busted in 1999 nationwide but 17,033 last year. Busts in California dropped from 2,579 to 753 in that time, but they have surged elsewhere. Florida saw 23 meth-lab busts in 1999 and 277 last year, according to federal statistics. The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy stresses the need to control ingredients for meth, and it agrees the drug poses new problems. But the administration proposed eliminating a $805 million grant program in the Department of Justice, cutting the Safe and Drug Free Schools Program in the Department of Education by 53 percent, making a 60 percent cut for grants to address meth hot spots and slashing by more than half the multi-county and multi-agency grants under the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program, or HIDTA, from $228 million to $100 million. Critics say those programs are important in the fight against meth and other drugs. Marc Wheat, a top aide to Rep. Mark Souder, R-Ind., chairman of the Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy, and Human Resources, said Congress has been forced to protect existing programs instead of "trying to advance the ball on fixing some things we think are problematic." Moreover, the administration proposed moving HIDTA out of the Office of National Drug Control Policy into the Justice Department. Observers say the move is an effort to gain control over an office that was created by executive order yet has the distinction of containing programs created and controlled by Congress, including the HITDA program, which is the office's largest. The White House says anti-drug spending throughout the federal government rise 2 percent under the president's budget proposal, and it is working to block international sources of the methamphetamine that account for an estimated 80 percent of U.S. consumption. Administration officials say programs are targeted for big cuts or elimination because they haven't proven effective and the budget is tight. The justice grants, drug free schools program and HIDTA have become mostly "revenue sharing" projects with states, said a spokesman for the drug policy office. "I do not think we have neglected or diminished any one of those rungs of the ladder," said David Murray, an administration policy analyst for the drug policy office. The House has restored many of the proposed cuts in 2006 spending bills and refused to move the HIDTA program, but the Senate has not settled these questions. This debate reveals a struggle over direction of the drug war just as Congress is debating reauthorization of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, a process that sets direction and goals for coming years. For example, the drug policy office complains it has been unable to focus HIDTA on organized crime and drug rings, explaining its plan to move the program to a unit in the Justice Department dealing with those organizations. OUTDATED VISION? Some critics say the administration would sacrifice funding for local law enforcement -- which they call especially critical with rising meth use -- to break up high-level rings while saving for the war on terrorism. "That seems to be the goal," said Abbey Levenshus, spokeswoman for Rep. Rick Larsen, a Washington Democrat who is co-chairman of the Congressional Meth Caucus. "It's been a struggle. People are afraid of terrorists, but right now they're more afraid of the meth house that's down the street." Some local officials and lawmakers say the White House is clinging to an outdated view of the drug problem. Joe Dunn, a lobbyist with the National Association of Counties, said the administration is missing a crisis. "Their main focus has been on marijuana," he said, "and from what our people are telling us, it's methamphetamine that is the problem." - --- MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin