Pubdate: Mon, 11 Jul 2005
Source: Free Press, The (Kinston, NC)
Copyright: 2005 Kinston Free Press
Bookmark: (Cannabis)
Bookmark: (Youth)


The next target of the anti-drug hysteria that stems from our 
nation's drug war could well be something many Americans have never 
heard of: marijuana-flavored lollipops. Marketed by several makers 
under names such as "Pot Suckers," the candies contain no THC, the 
active ingredient in marijuana. But that doesn't stop rabid drug 
warriors and well-meaning activists who worry that pot-flavored 
treats will send the wrong message to kids.We believe such 
hand-wringing is probably misplaced; many of us grew up "puffing" on 
candy cigarettes and bubble-gum cigars, yet aren't addicted to 
tobacco. Most people, even children, know there is a difference 
between candy that tastes like pot and the real McCoy. Not everyone is so sure.

Michigan state Rep. Dudley Spade is proposing a state ban on candy 
that contains hemp or tastes like hemp. He's one who worries about 
sending the wrong message to children. He's obviously one who also 
believes that parents are unable to communicate the right message to 
their kids, so the state must do it for them.

Anti-drug organizations such as the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of 
America take a more family-based approach, urging parents to get 
stores to stop stocking the candies. We always prefer market-based 
solutions rather than those imposed by government. They allow more 
freedom and choice in the marketplace.

That's not to say we encourage anyone, especially children, to rush 
out and pick up a few of these lollipops so they could pretend to be 
on drugs, because we don't. We do, however, encourage parents to talk 
to their children about drug use and other behavior that involves 
choices that could change their lives forever. Choice is a wonderful 
thing, but it must come with the freedom to make bad choices, so long 
as we're willing to accept the consequences.
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MAP posted-by: Beth