Pubdate: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 Source: News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) Copyright: 2005 The News and Observer Publishing Company Contact: Website: Details: Author: Gale Glenn INDUSTRIAL OPENING Regarding your July 11 article "Hemp advocates pitch plant as farmers' gold" Pivotal hemp facts: 1) Hemp, legal in 30 nations including Canada, is grown with certified seed containing less than 0.3 percent THC, while marijuana contains 10 to 25 percent THC. 2) The "pro-marijuana crowd" is absolutely opposed to legalizing hemp, because cross-pollination would ruin any marijuana crop within miles. 3) Hemp plastics and composites are biodegradable or recyclable. 4) A substantial percentage of the German Mercedes-Benz is made from hemp -- door panels, dashboards, headliners, and carpets. True, the N.C. Farm Bureau opposes hemp, but 24 state Farm Bureaus have endorsed it. Hemp is legal is six states. Law enforcement has no problem distinguishing between 12-foot-tall hemp stalks and low bushy marijuana. North Carolina farmers need a low-labor, sustainable, non-polluting industrial crop. Farmers should demand hemp be removed from Schedule 1 drugs. Arguments against hemp are irrational and illogical. Deliberate ignorance is no excuse to keep our farmers and industries in a losing position in the coming hemp initiative. Gale Glenn Vice-Chairman, North American Industrial Hemp Council Durham - --- MAP posted-by: Josh