Pubdate: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 Source: Saanich News (CN BC) Contact: Details: Author: Jim Hackler REDUCING THE USE OF CRYSTAL METH There are programs that could reduce the use of crystal meth. But they will probably be ignored. Successful programs tend to be long term and universal. Failed programs usually attempt quick fixes and focus on a narrow target. Politicians and the public prefer quick fixes, even though they may do harm in the long run. One successful program utilized public health nurses to help pregnant, disadvantaged women become better mothers. Fifteen years later, when compared with control groups, these families had much lower rates of drug use, delinquency, and risky sexual behaviour. But we are unwilling to invest in the future, even though it costs less and is more effective at reducing human suffering. We prefer to deceive ourselves into thinking that quick fixes work. Of course we mean well. Naturally, we want action, not talk." In quick fix programs, parents usually think they have been helped. Youth often believe they were saved." Professionals staffing the program sincerely believe the treatment worked. In the short run, everyone labels the program a success. Politicians take credit for displaying leadership." Congratulatory speeches, awards, publicity, all add to the bandwagon effect. A careful evaluation using a control group and follow-up several years later will not be done. Self-deception is easy to achieve. Unfortunately, families involved in such programs may believe crystal meth can be addressed separately from other problems. They may learn to blame others when things go wrong. The quick fix" program often leaves parents poorly prepared for the next crisis. By contrast, some programs, such as Parents Together, at the Boys and Girls Club, recognize that problems come in packages. Drugs, family difficulties, delinquency, and risky behaviour tend to be interrelated. It is hard to separate them. While no long term, scientific evaluation of the effectiveness of Parents Together is planned, they share at least one characteristic of successful programs. Families that have been strengthened to cope with the whole host of interconnected problems seem to handle the next crisis better. Jim Hackler Deptartment of Sociology UVic - --- MAP posted-by: Beth