Pubdate: Sun, 17 Jul 2005
Source: Paris News (TX)
Copyright: 2005 Paris News
Bookmark: (Drug Test)
Bookmark: (Youth)


Student drug testing takes a place on the agenda Monday when Paris 
Independent School District trustees meet.

More than a year in the making, drug testing for students 
participating in extracurricular activities is expected to receive 
final passage when the board meets at 5:30 p.m. in the administration 
building. If approved, the policy would require students in grades 
seven through 12 who compete in school-sponsored competitive 
activities to be placed in a pool for random drug testing.

The policy represents a change from a proposed policy discussed a 
year ago that called for high school students to be tested prior to 
the first day of practice for a competitive activity.

Trustees also are to consider revisions to the district's discipline 
management plan.

Other agenda items include: administrative reports; superintendent 
recommendations regarding professional personnel; resolution 
regarding review of the district's investment program; professional 
services contract with the law firm Linebarger, Goggan, Blair & 
Sampson; resolution approving independent sources of instruction 
relating to investment responsibilities; interlocal participation 
agreement for worker's compensation insurance; Upper East Texas Tech 
Prep/School-To-Work Partnership agreement; nomination of Texas 
Association of School Board director for Region 8; board member 
committee assignments, and budget information.
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MAP posted-by: Beth