Pubdate: Thu, 21 Jul 2005
Source: BBC News (UK Web)
Copyright: 2005 BBC
Bookmark: (Drug Education)


There has been a big improvement in the way most schools teach you about 
drugs, say the schools inspectors Ofsted.

It says pupils in England now have a better understanding about drugs, and 
how they can harm your health.

But the report also said lessons focus too much on illegal drugs, even 
though you are more worried about the effects of alcohol and cigarettes.

It also found out that not many schools were interested in random drug 
testing or using sniffer dogs.

The study was based on visits to 60 schools, along with evidence from 200 
school inspection reports.

Although the report generally found that pupils have a greater 
understanding of drugs, around one in 10 schools still don't give enough 
time to drugs education.


Teachers and parents seem to be more worried about illegal drugs, but young 
people see tobacco and alcohol as the biggest threat.

David Bell, chief inspector of schools in England, said that not very many 
children will go on to abuse hard drugs, but are more likely to be affected 
by alcohol and cigarettes.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom