Pubdate: Thu, 21 Jul 2005
Source: Mirror (CN QU)
Copyright: 2005 Communications Gratte-Ciel Ltee
Author: Patrick Lejtenyi


Potheads can be a giggly bunch, but when a comedian specializing in pot
humour hits town, there could be some laugh-out-loud moments on the way -
especially if he's raising money for a good cause. Howard Dover, an
L.A.-based comic, and others will be performing at next Saturday's Medical
Marijuana Extravaganza as part of the Just For Laughs festival, with part of
the proceeds going to the Montreal Compassion Club, which provides marijuana
for people with a doctor's prescription. Pot, according to the Compassion
Club's Marc-Boris St-Maurice, can provide a lot of material.

"Marijuana prohibition makes the government look funny," St-Maurice says
when asked what's so funny about marijuana, medical or otherwise. "And funny
things can happen with the police, I suppose, especially when they have to
release you because you have a medical exemption."

The show takes place at Le Swimming, (3643 St-Laurent) on Saturday, July 23,
9 p.m. $12. Tix are available at the door, online at or
at the Montreal Seed Bank (72 Rachel E.). If bought at the Seed Bank, $4 of
each ticket will go to the Club.
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MAP posted-by: Josh