Pubdate: Mon, 18 Jul 2005
Source: BBC News (UK Web)
Copyright: 2005 BBC


Crack and cocaine addicts on Teesside are being given health packs 
that include brazil nuts and sunflower seeds to help them fight their 

The natural remedies are being tried out in Middlesbrough to help 
addicts relax and cope with disturbed sleep patterns and detoxification.

These are being offered as part of a treatment package that also 
involves cognitive therapy and acupuncture.

The trial is in its early stages but experts reported a positive response.

Karl Sheldon, from Middlesbrough's drug action team, said: "When it 
comes to drug addiction we always think of the usual stuff, opiates 
and physical addiction.

"Stimulants like cocaine and crack cocaine are more psychologically 
addictive, so you are looking at a different way of treating these addicts.

"For example, the liquorish root you chew on is good for sweet 
cravings and also for liver function. And again with brazil nuts, the 
chemicals inside attach onto receptors in the brain which deal with 
opiates and also stimulants.

"You are not going to eat a brazil nut and all your cravings are 
going to go away, this is about dealing with your cravings and taking 
the edge off them.

'Suppress Cravings'

"We have given out about 50 of the packs in the past two months, and 
they seem to be working."

Joe, who had been addicted to crack cocaine for seven and a half 
years, said the packs had helped him.

He said: "You've got to want to come off crack cocaine or stimulants 
yourself, but the packs help like mad.

"Once you can suppress your cravings you can get on with life. It's 
working for me."
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MAP posted-by: Beth