Pubdate: Tue, 26 Jul 2005
Source: Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC)
Copyright: 2005 Times Colonist
Author: Norman Gidney
Bookmark: (Methamphetamine)


Her own council turned her down, but Coun. Ruth Layne of Esquimalt 
persuaded neighbouring View Royal to sponsor a resolution asking the 
province to get tough on crystal meth.

She wanted to put a motion before the Union of B.C. Municipalities 
convention in September in Vancouver, but failed to persuade a majority of 

After lobbying Esquimalt colleagues via phone calls and e-mails to get 
support for the motion as time was short, Layne saw it fail at the July 4 
council meeting on a 3-3 tie.

She came to View Royal to ask for its backing. Without municipal 
sponsorship, it can't be debated at the UBCM gathering and hers is the only 
such resolution on the topic, she said.

The province needs to take a strong stand on the crystal methamphetamine 
problem, increasing public education and restricting sales of the chemicals 
used to make meth, Layne said.

Tougher penalties for making and selling the stuff, and more treatment 
facilities for addicts are other action items in her motion.

"This drug is a scourge on our community. It is killing our kids," Layne 
told View Royal council.

Coun. David Screech asked if Layne would speak at the UBCM meeting on the 
motion and she said: "Whatever you like, I'm at your service. I'd like to 
get this on the floor."

Mayor Graham Hill noted that View Royal had contributed $500 to get the new 
Crystal Meth Victoria Society off the ground. The five View Royal 
councillors unanimously passed her motion.
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom